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Shining Light on Life

No time for vacation?

 Meditation found to have similar effect 

While both vacation and meditation show a number of benefits for well-being, two recent studies found that meditation may have a more lasting effect than vacation, especially for beginners.

The first study, published in 2016, compared the effects of a one-month vacation and a one-month meditation retreat on a group of participants. The researchers found that both groups showed significant improvements in well-being immediately after the intervention. However, after 10 months, the meditation group showed greater maintenance of lower stress and depression than the vacation group.

The second study, published in 2018, looked at the effects of daily meditation on a group of new meditators. The researchers found that on days when the participants meditated, they reported lower levels of negative emotions and higher levels of positive emotions. They also scored higher on several facets of mindfulness. The researchers found similar associations on days when the participants were on vacation.

However, the researchers noted that these results only demonstrate similarities for beginning meditators. They do not speak to the unique, cumulative effects of long-term meditation practice, the benefits of which may outweigh those of vacation.

So, which is better for your well-being: vacation or meditation? If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to boost your well-being, either one can be a good option. However, if you’re looking for a more lasting effect, meditation would be the better choice.

The 2016 research included both new meditators and regular meditators’ benefits over time. Researchers employed blood samples from the beginning, in 1 month and at the 10 month mark. They also used self-reported wellness surveys at the same time intervals. Everybody showed equally large immediate improvements in well-being (reduced stress reactions, improved immune function, and amyloid beta (Aβ) metabolism) bu.  However, the beginners meditators showed greater maintenance of lower distress over time compared with those who went on vacation. Regular meditators showed a trend toward increased telomerase activity not seen in the other groups. Increased telomerase activity indicates longevity.

Benefits for new meditators

The 2018 research worked only with new meditators. Over an 8 week period, the participants completed a survey that assessed their well-being, emotions, and mindfulness. People around them also completed a survey noting their reactiveness. On days the participants meditated, they reported lower levels of negative emotions such as irritation and higher levels of positive emotions such as gratefulness. They also scored higher on several facets of mindfulness. The researchers found similar associations on days the participants were on vacation. Christopher May, the author of the study said, “We found that just 15-minutes of meditation was associated with similar effects as a day of vacation on aspects of mindfulness. Both meditators and vacationers reported heightened awareness of their environment and greater equanimity in experiencing their emotions.”

If you are looking for a simple, yet profound meditation practice, The Art of Ascension as taught by the Ishayas can be used anywhere, anytime by anybody, even while on vacation!

Also see:

3 Helpful meditation tips

Benefits of a Retreat