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Can a single weekend Meditation course change your life?

Can a single weekend Meditation Course change your life?


Meditation Course: A Quick Way to Boost Cognitive Judgment, Emotional Resilience, and Reduce Stress

Not sure it’s worth your bother to take that meditation course over the weekend? In less time than it takes to surf the web, meditation can improve your cognitive judgment, emotional resilience, and reduce stress.

Cognitive Judgment

One study found that just 12 minutes of meditation per day helped Marines improve their attention and working memory. Another study found that a single 15-minute meditation session can help people make better choices.  Jha, director of the University of Miami’s Contemplative Neuroscience and lead on the study with the Marines said “attention is fragile”. Jha likens our attention to “a flashlight you can direct to whatever you choose.” Most importantly, she said, “If they practiced less than 12 minutes or not at all, they degraded in their functioning.”

Emotional Resilience

In addition, meditation can help you manage your emotions more effectively. One study found that a brief 25-minute meditation session reduced stress levels and increased cortisol reactivity to social evaluative stress. This suggests that meditation can help you cope with stress more effectively.  Co-author of a Mindfulness study in 2014, Zoe Kinias said, “First, meditation reduced how much people focused on the past and future, and this psychological shift led to less negative emotion. The reduced negative emotion then facilitated their ability to let go of sunk costs.”

Stress Reduction

Meditation is well-known for its ability to reduce stress. In fact, studies have shown that meditation can reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol and improve sleep quality.  One study showed that practicing 3 consecutive days reduced meditator’s level of stress.

You may think you don’t have enough time to meditate. However, even as a beginner, with as little as 12 -15 minutes, you will gain  physical, emotion, and mental benefits with meditation.

Meditation Courses and retreats available

The Art of Ascension is a very special type of meditation. It’s difficult to call it meditation because it’s benefits are so great and all-encompassing. See this page for more about Ascension.

The Ishaya Foundation Center for Ascension offers a weekend meditation course regularly. You can learn the basics of The Art of Ascension in a retreat setting. See the list of meditation courses available around the USA.

Also see:  What is meditation?

What is Ascension?  What is the Art of Ascension?

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