Shining Light blog

Shining Light on Life

Toxic Emotions and Toxic Thinking impact your health

SUffering from Toxic thoughts

TOXIC EMOTIONS AND TOXIC THINKING    Every time you have a thought, it changes your brain and your body – for better or for worse.  Examples of Toxic Thinking Dr. Carolyn Leaf has studied the human brain since 1981 and wrote a book about the effects of toxic thoughts. Below is a list from her […]

Accepting Toxic Thoughts Creates Twisted Forests in Nervous System

Toxic forest of Tress

We don’t need to accept toxic thoughts   Toxic thoughts create Toxic Forests in the mind   Dr. Carolyn Leaf, a cognitive neuroscientist, has been researching the brain since 1981. She explains that toxic memories take up space and affect the way you think as well as the way the brain functions. If you accept […]

Who Falls Sick and Who Remains Healthy?

Attitude on Healing Two people are exposed to the same virus. One gets a full blown version of the virus, the other remains healthy. Why? Someone is given a diagnosis of a terminal condition and yet survives many years later. How does this happen? Studies now report that positive or negative emotional traits influence a […]

Fake Compassion or True Compassion

Compassion quote by Dalai Lama

Fake Compassion or True Compassion   As part of my 2020 focus on Agape, I want to continue the exploration by diving more deeply into compassion. I began in January saying that the word that comes to us in the New Testament often translated as Love or Charity is the Greek word Agape. (See the […]

Did you know humans make their own cannabinoid?

Girl that appears high

Did you know humans make their own cannabinoid? Did you know there is a bliss chemical in human beings? Anandamide, the bliss chemical, is produced naturally when we pray, meditate, breath correctly, and are at peace with the world.  The name anandamide is taken from the Sanskrit word ananda, which means bliss. In lay terms, […]

How to Meditate in Bed Without Using Your Phone

Woman meditating in bed

How to meditate in bed without using your phone   Woman meditating in bed using Ascension     As more and more people are hearing about the benefits of meditation, they are turning to all kinds of methods.  Many new apps are available as well as guided meditations and books on meditation.   Most people […]

Can my brain heal my body?

The Power of Mind-Body Connection in Practice

Can my mind heal my body? ID 66541726 © Alphaspirit “Can my mind heal my body?” That’s what Dr. Michael Mosley, a British science journalist, TV presenter, and author wanted to know. So he created a study with BBC to find out. He invited people with incurable back pain to join the study for […]

How to Boost Your Immune System Without Effort

Mice used in experiment

How to boost your immune system without effort  Our minds have hidden depths. Dr. Herbert Spector at the National Institute of Health performed a study on mice. He gave mice a powerful immune system stimulating drug (poly I:C ) at the same time he exposed them to camphor (a neutral agent with a strong odor). […]

Gratitude can change your Attitude

Attitude changes things

Some of us have complaining minds. Whether your mind just likes to vent (get someone to listen), looks for sympathy, or ruminates obsessively about a problem, all these tendencies are unhealthy to your mind and body. Quantum physics has demonstrated that merely observing (noticing; turning our attention to) something, we bring it into being. Reality […]

Appreciation: The Aim of Life

Appreciation changes life

G.K. Chesterton said, “The aim of life is appreciation.” It has been shown that the deeper your ability to appreciate, the more access you have to your intuition and inspiration. HeartMath research has shown that a practice of appreciation is an “effective way to improve mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. Appreciation is related to […]