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Shining Light on Life

How to meditate in bed without using your phone

Woman meditating in bed using Ascension


As more and more people are hearing about the benefits of
meditation, they are turning to all kinds of methods.  Many new apps are available as well as guided
meditations and books on meditation.
Most people tend to believe that in order to “meditate
successfully”, they need to learn to control their mind or turn off their
thoughts and achieve a certain feeling of calmness.  Research indicates that none of this is not
true.  The mind is similar to an
ocean.  The surface level of the ocean
has many waves which vary in size and quantity depending on a variety of
circumstances.  But at the depth of the
ocean, all is calm, quiet, and very still.
The surface level of the mind experiences a variety of quality and
quantity of thoughts, similar to the waves of the ocean.  But, if one knew how to dive deeply into the
depths of the mind, what is commonly called the unconscious, they would find a
calm and stillness. 
Due to mass consciousness and the busyness of life, the vast
majority people only experience the surface level of the mind, thousands of
thoughts.  On rare occasions, often
involving nature or creativity, time falls away, you experience no conflict, no
doubt, and no self-criticism, but have a deep calmness, possibly euphoria.  One study found that only 2% of the general population
have peak experiences, but Maslow believed that nearly everyone has peak
experiences. Because most people have little to no context for the experience
and cannot make sense of the experience, the memory may eventually fade
Peak experiences also have a physiological response, that of
coherent brain waves as well as an alertness of mind and deep rest. After studying peak performers
in a variety of fields, they found that peak performances often coincided with
peak experiences. Said another way, the more peak experiences a person
experienced, the more likely they would be successful. 
Dr. Herbert Benson from Harvard, one of the early researchers on
meditation, showed through his research that given a simple and effortless
technique, people began to experience coherent brain wave patterns more often,
as well as deeper levels of rest than sleep.   He called this as well as his book describing
the research “The Relaxation Response.”  His latest research
positive genetic upgrades.
Ishayas’ Ascension offers a simple, effortless mental technique.
Ascension means to rise beyond.  In this case, it means to effortlessly
move beyond the busy thoughts, mental filters and veils to allow the mind to
dive into the depths of the mind.  As
with the ocean, one does not need to stop the waves in order to experience the
depths, one merely needs to take the correct angle to dive deeply. Ishayas’
Ascension charms the mind into the correct angle for the deep dive.  It is effortless and can be done by
everyone.  It can even be done in bed!
With Ishayas’ Ascension, you need nothing but the technique.  You don’t need an app, music, incense, etc.
as these keep you at the surface level of the mind.  So, you can meditate in bed or wherever you