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Shining Light on Life

Supremacy of the mind
Supremacy of the Mind

Supremacy of the Mind over the Body

In Ishayas’ Ascension, we often discuss supremacy of the mind over the body. The mind is capable of much more than we have come to believe.  Here’s a review of some of the latest studies on Placebos. These stories exemplify the power of the mind. Evidence continues to accrue of increasing power of the placebo!

Placebo Power is really the Power of the Mind

As many know, a placebo is a non-active substance or procedure required in clinical trials by the FDA as at least one of the control groups.  The placebo effect is a documented fact working 18-80% of the time.  The effect is physical, not just subjective – healing ulcers, warts disappearing, relieving pain, but also easing symptoms of many stress-related illnesses, such as depression and Parkinson’s disease, etc.  

“The placebo effect is more than positive thinking — believing a treatment or procedure will work. It’s about creating a stronger connection between the brain and body and how they work together,” says Professor Ted Kaptchuk of Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, whose research focuses on the placebo effect.

Examples of Power of Placebo

In one survey by the NIH, as many as half of rheumatologists and internists surveyed said they had intentionally given patients ineffective medication [placebo] in the hopes it would have a positive result.

study published online Oct. 27, 2016, by PLOS Biology showed evidence of changes in the brain during a placebo effect. Patients with symptoms of a degenerative medial meniscus tear (knee area) were chosen for a study. Half were given real surgery, the other half were given fake surgery (only an incision that was sewn shut). The two treatments were equally effective!

Joel Block, MD, a well-known osteoarthritis specialist says “The placebo effect is still an effect and a very important one….It is “extraordinarily strong” in osteoarthritis for reasons that aren’t entirely clear. The experience from randomized trials shows a 40% response rate. The trial data indicates that placebo responses last beyond a year,” he said.

Kaptchuk, an associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School (HMS) is a man with a fierce intellect and curiosity.  His researchers enrolled 80 people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. Half the patients received a bottle with the word “placebo” printed on it. The researchers told the patients the bottle contained “sugar pills”. They told the patients that they didn’t even need to believe in the placebo effect, but had to take the pills twice daily. The other half of the patients received no treatment at all. At the end of the three-week trial, 59 percent of the patients taking the placebo said that their symptoms had been adequately relieved!

“We were all taken aback,” Kaptchuk said. “We triple-checked the data before we decided it was real.”

The Power of Mind based on Thoughts & Beliefs

The body is continually listening to our thoughts. If we live with self-defeating thoughts and beliefs, the mind produces in kind. We may have wonderful desires to create joy and health in our life, but if we believe we are unworthy, or feel guilty about some past, how can our body know which to support?

It is only our habitual thoughts that steal our youth and health and replace them with sickness.  Imagine if we could learn to still the internal chatter and learn to experience life again in the present moment?

The purpose of Ishayas’ Ascension is to erase those self-defeating thoughts and allow us to live life in freedom. Supremacy of the Mind means that our thoughts create.   The practice of Ishayas’ Ascension helps to replace self-defeating thoughts or beliefs with upward spiraling thoughts that align with the Source of Being. Are you ready to activate a new effect in your life?

For more information, see these blog articles:

Toxic Emotions and Thinking

What Lies Do You Believe?

Accepting Toxic Thoughts Creates Twisted Forests in the Nervous System