Ascension is an effortless practice. The Art of Ascension is unlike any other meditation. It is said, there is only one rule with Ascension—Never TRY to Ascend.
Often we believe we need to “TRY” to Ascend. We believe if we put effort into it, we will get “there” faster. Then, there’s something we hate to admit! We have ideas about what we think it should be like. We often compare our experience with our Ideal Experience, too!
Western society has trained us for hundreds of years that the more effort we put into things, the faster, the better, etc. With Ascension, that is the furthest thing from Truth. We do need to commit time to learn the Ascension Attitudes and how to use them. Then, the only effort required is to set aside time from our schedule to do it. It works best with two or three times per day with our eyes closed.
4 Tips to check in with your effortless practice
Knowing how often I have “TRIED” to ascend in my own practice, here are 4 examples of trying, or straining, or efforting that is not necessary when we practice the Art of Ascension.
1. Do you feel the need to have a certain feeling or experience while Ascending? I know I did before I learned to Ascend. Then I brought that into my Ascension practice. In my old practice, I would stay seated each morning until I got to that “mood” that I interpreted to be “peace.” By mid-morning at work, I could feel myself losing it. This was a major source of stress in my life! I didn’t realize until I returned to repeat the First Sphere that I was doing that even with Ascension. I didn’t realize that the “mood” had nothing to do with Ascending. Watching for the mood and distracted me from the experience I was having that was more important than the mood.
The Art of Ascension takes us to the Ascendant every time. It is an effortless practice. So, it is not necessary to make anything else happen including feelings, moods, experiences, etc. Feelings come and feelings go. What we are looking for with Ascension is That which never changes. The Ascendant has been our constant reality, so we are like the fish swimming in water and saying, “What’s Water?”
2. Are you attempting to hold back all your thoughts and blank out your mind? Thoughts are a natural part of life. Attempting to “not think” actually raises the physiological rate and creates additional stress on your nervous system. The Ascension Attitudes are taking you beyond the thinking mind, to the Ascendant. It is beyond all boundaries, beyond this material world. As we say in the First Sphere, having thoughts while ascending is natural. It is the by-product of the healing nature of Ascension.
3. Are you using music or aromatherapy for your eyes closed time Ascending? While this can give some amount of pleasure and bring a good feeling, one of the most beneficial things given to you by the Art of Ascension is rest to your senses. We run our nervous system and our senses at an exceedingly high rate in our society. This is like running a motor 24/7.
By bringing the mind inward and allowing your five “outer” senses to rest, your “inner” senses begin to develop and strengthen.
4. Are you “TRYING” to stay awake during your close-eyed time of Ascension? This is another form of TRYING that is not needed. The practice of Ascension gives you what you need. If you need sleep, it is more valuable to get that sleep than to force yourself to stay awake. And what we label as sleep, may not be sleep, but may be moving into a deeper part of the mind.
Of course none of the above things will stop you from Ascending. However, the more that you can let go of the need to do any of the above, the faster you will progress with Ascension. This is why we call it the PRACTICE of the Art of Ascension—All of us Ascenders are practicing to be effortless.
Practice comes from the Ishayas
The Ishayas have maintained the practice of the Art of Ascension in purity for more than two centuries. Using the practice on a regular basis aligns your heart, mind and body with the Ishayas of antiquity. You don’t have to believe this. However, the lineage of this tradition gives a substance and foundation to this practice beyond any procedure developed in the 21st century.
Check out this video about the lineage of the Art of Ascension.
Having taught Ascension for over 20 years, I have seen many new Ascenders apply too much effort…. usually one of the above, or a modification of it. It is important to get feedback from a teacher of the Art of Ascension. This can help each student of the practice to begin to “allow” more easily rather than effort in their practice. If the purpose of Ascension is to take you to the Truth of Who You Are, shouldn’t it be simple? And it should not require effort. In fact, it is effortless.
See also:
Hi Jyoti,
What has been your observations been when the Mind actually repels against the desire to Ascend? For Example, something in your day happens and you find yourself simply not in the "mood" to Ascend.
For myself after many observations of this "mood" I finally realized that "mood" was actually a cue / trigger to completely stop and look inward, to find Grace and in that moment and simply ask "Why". In asking the "Why" the Door does open…
Thanks for your comment Tim,
There are a few reasons that come to mind when we say, "why the resistance?" And to be honest, I hear that statement more and more often from ascenders.
When we consider the "gravitational pull of the Mass hypnosis of the population of the world", it is no wonder the resistance is there. Besides that, the ego, which by one definition is "that need to be separate from God" will obviously have resistance to Ascending and Re-uniting with our Divine Self.
If we have any ability to think the Ascension Attitude, the habit to move inward will become stronger and stronger. At times, we may be caught in the web of the ego, that mood that says, "not now….later". So, setting regular Ascension times with our eyes closed every day will eventually re-write all those habits. The more we have the ability to ascend eyes-open and eyes-closed, like we brush our teeth every night before bed, without thinking, without creating a big story, the easier life will become. We can "Just Do It".
For me, when there’s a feeling there, a mood, just coming into this moment (easiest to do with an Ascension Attitude) and getting very present in the body, the emotion or mood can easily go, if I am not judging it, trying to repress it, or trying to get rid of it.
Hello Jyoti,
My body seems to need more rest and sleep. I become a little frustrated when my morning assension easily puts me back into a sleep state. On good mornings, it feels like a dance back and forth between experiencing a vast Peace and falling into an unaware sleep state. Many times I am unable to use and experience all my attitudes because I need to get on with my day.
Thank you for your comments and Wisdom.