Shining Light blog

Shining Light on Life

What Lies Do You Believe?

What is the Truth? Do you believe lies?

Our senses lie to us!

You may not have ever thought about this concept. We don’t discuss it very often. Many may not even realize that our senses lie to us. And even more important, why do we care?

· If we were to believe our senses, we would believe that the sun revolves around the earth, right?

see infrared, ultraviolet, etc.

· Albert Einstein on optical delusions said, “A human being is part of the whole, called by us “universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness”.

· Our senses report that our desk, our possessions, even our body is solid, but physics tells us that is not true. Physical matter is more energy than substance. In fact, if you were to take all the solid matter out of the earth, physics tells us it would be about the size of a golf ball! The rest is just empty space or energy.

· We even see what we expect to see, an example from sports is the “change-up pitch” in baseball. The changeup is typically thrown after a fastball; the batter seeing the identical fastball arm and body-movement from the pitcher expects to see another fastball and swings wildly but misses the slower ball.

· And then there’s the reticular activating system, that part of our brain that helps us make sense of our world. In any moment, there are 4 billion pieces of data available to us through our subconscious mind, but the conscious mind is able to make sense of only about 2000 pieces of data at a time. So that ever helpful reticular activating system strips away everything that does NOT comply with our belief system! For example, I knew a young charming man who kept repeating “No one loves me”, but I saw many examples of people that loved him. He could not perceive any of that love.

· The human eye can only see a small bandwidth of the very large light spectrum. We are unable to

What we have come to believe, based on our experiences, may not necessarily be true. Our knowledge of the world is changing at an ever-accelerating rate. What was certain fact yesterday is today questioned and may be refuted tomorrow.

Why is it important?

First of all, based on what our senses report, we believe we are isolated in space and time from one another. From the optical delusion, we perceive we are separate from others and our world. Because this is our perception and belief, we conclude that it is difficult or impossible to influence life; we believe that it is only with great expenditures of energy, time (and often suffering) that we can make things happen in our world. This is why we are astonished when someone has “spontaneous remission” of a terminal disease by changing their mindset. (Did you know that 20% of breast cancer heals by spontaneous remission?)

The type of mindset we have determines the quality of life we experience. Many beliefs are so far below the surface that you may not even be aware of them. This is why many see themselves as victims rather than as Co-Creator with the Universe.

Our beliefs hold things in place – our diseases, our tired aging body, our “out of harmony” relationships, etc. We call it, the law of sowing and reaping. We can only change the fruit by changing the seed we plant.

What kind of life are you experiencing?

Thoughts, especially strong emotionally based thoughts, plant seeds into the universe that sprout around us. If we plant tomato seeds, we get tomatoes!

Practicing The Art of Ascension not only plants new seeds of praise, gratitude, love, and compassion, but it also cuts the roots of our old belief system as it brings us to the Source of All Being. It changes the direction of our mind from revolving around the racetrack wasting time and energy to cutting through everything to find the Source of Creation.  To move into higher states of consciousness we must retrain the mind to move vertically inward. The techniques of Ishayas’ Ascension can accomplish this. All we need, we can have:  a functioning nervous system, valid tools,  a commitment to learn and use them to begin the process toward freedom.