Shining Light blog

Shining Light on Life

Attempt to balance your life without a meditation practice
Trying to balance all moving parts doesn’t work!

Are you trying to achieve a life in balance?

We are told we can achieve more sense of wellness by balancing work life and home life.

Someone sent this picture to me… Does your attempt to balance your life look something like this?

I saw a blog post saying that it was difficult to balance work and life, but the goal was to achieve some control over your life. Well, it may take a while to learn, but we will never have control over things in life. It took just a few days of the pandemic to make us all realize that “anything can happen”!

Importantly, if we go to the most basic principles of how life works, we could harness more power in our life. A Course in Miracles says, ‘It is impossible to have an experience you did not ask for.’  We must realize we create our lives if we are to step into our true power. Everything in our lives is the result of our thought life.

Just the fact that we create from the very thoughts we think is powerful. Consider this: there is a whole new dimension to life we can move the direction of our mind inward! This is even more power to use in creation!

Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, a neuroscientist in southern California, recently discovered that the mind has two operating systems. She said it has a toggle switch and moves only one direction at a time, like a teeter totter. The mind constantly moves; either moving outward or it’s moving inward. She found that continual outward movement is tiring and eventually becomes less and less effective.

Before I learned the Art of Ascension, I was constantly moving my awareness out into the world to find what might make me feel better/happy. Very often, I needed to check to make sure people liked what I was saying or doing. My mind was constantly in motion “out there,” yes, trying to “control” my world. It was dizzying, tiring, and I found no joy or happiness. At that point, I wanted to end my life.

Trying to balance the outer life on its own has no stability. As you can see on the above teeter totter, everything in the outer life is in motion. All the parts are constantly changing in need from one moment to the next. What If you could expand the picture to find a place where there is stability?

Balanced Life with a Practice
How life in Balance looks with a practice that opens awareness

Balancing life with a practice

Learning the Art of Ascension, naturally, without effort, I learned to move my mind inward to the Source of Creation…the Ascendant Self, or some might call it the Higher Self. I learned, by experience, that is where peace and joy are found. So, as I started making new plans in my life, from a sense of contentment I already found inside me, life began to roll out more easily. My new practice had a close eyed meditation with the Ascension Attitudes. In addition, I could use the Attitudes throughout the day to recenter, Within a few weeks of learning and applying this practice daily, my experience looked more like this:

My awareness expanded to include a whole new aspect of myself where stability could be found. My priorities shifted. When I didn’t have to DO SO MUCH TO BE HAPPY, my life simplified, my relationships improved. I wasn’t needing my world to change to be happy. I just wanted to share more of my experience with the world and create from what I was experiencing.

This is the only way balance can be achieved, expanding awareness to find a foundation that doesn’t rock when the winds of life come. When you expand to find the Ascendant Self (Higher Self), your world expands. This is an experience that we can have as the mind settles into its depths by the practice of the Art of Ascension as taught by the Ishayas. The Ascendant is not only inside you, but within everything. So, as I learned to move my mind inward, the Ascendant became more empowered in my outer world to bring more good into my world.

This is the power of the practice of the Art of Ascension.