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Shining Light on Life

Ishayas’ Ascension vs. a meditation app

Art of Ascension vs. Meditation App

Ishayas' Ascension vs. Meditation App

Several significant differences between Ishayas’ Ascension vs. a meditation app show why the Art of Ascension gives much longer and more profound benefits.

It is understandable that someone might feel better while listening to music or listening to a meditation app. These things may feel better at the surface level of the mind and may have some small effect on the body, mind, and emotions. However, it would be difficult to have major changes in the underlying structure of our mind, emotions, neural connections, etc.

Can you imagine trying to do maintenance on your car while it is running? In this modern, technological age, most people keep their senses activated 24/7. It is like running machinery without ever changing the oil or doing regular maintenance.

Deeper Rest Than Sleep

In a much different manner, the Ishayas’ Ascension techniques allows the senses to shut down. Ascension takes the body to the deepest state of rest, twice as deep as the deepest level of sleep at night! This permits the body, mind, and senses to completely rest. While resting, it begins to reorganize internal structures to a more natural way of functioning. This in turn gives the ability to detoxify more thoroughly for the 20 minutes or so of eyes closed Ascension. When you open your eyes, you have an opportunity to begin to see life through a different lens.

Just by listening to the app or smelling incense, etc. we activate the senses. The practice of Ascension works quite differently by moving the senses inward. The inward movement transcends the mind and body, dropping to ever more subtle levels of experience.

Going Beyond the Mind

Ishayas’ Ascension is a very profound practice. We Ascend beyond the surface level of the mind and return to the Source of Creation deep within. It is important to understand, we do not use the practice of Ascension to change how we feel in this moment. The point with Ascension is to go beyond the feelings of good vs. bad, happy vs. sad.

It is not impossible to have direct experience of the Source with an App or using incense. However, these practices tend to busy the mind which could slow the student from having deeper experiences. This is so, because the activity tends to distract the awareness away from the very subtle.

When we learn the Art of Ascension, over time with regular use, we can even Ascend in a busy noisy airport. Even then, as awareness opens, we can still be aware of the very subtle levels.

Check out these articles for more information:


Introduction to the Art of Ascension

Video “What is the Art of Ascension as Taught by the Ishayas”