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Shining Light on Life

Art of Ascension

The Ishayas’ Ascension (otherwise known as The Art of Ascension as taught by the Ishayas) brings an ancient Teaching that offers a path to higher consciousness. It offers a series of techniques, called Ascension Attitudes. The techniques retrain the mind away from limiting and repetitive thoughts and beliefs that cause separation and ignorance in one’s life. It can be used as an eyes closed meditation practice as well as throughout your day with your eyes open. As one uses the practice, the upward spiraling emotions of praise, gratitude, and love connect one with the Source.  Hence, life is lived more and more in the present moment. Please visit my youtube channel or podcasts for more information about the practice. Or see the blog article, “What is Ascension?”

Or video: “What is the Art of Ascension as taught by the Ishayas?

The Ishayas’ Ascension gives deeper rest for the body and the mind in 20 minutes of meditative practice than you receive in 8 hours of sleep at night. Your heart rate slows, breath rate slows, and blood pressure goes down.  

Each time you use the technique the right and left hemispheres of the brain become coherent.  Along with the deep rest, it helps to release stress and connect with that highest aspect of our Self, which is free from all thought and worry. You don’t have to wait until you are fully Enlightened to start experiencing its benefits. As the mind expands to greater awareness of the present moment, the body heals and all of our life starts to improve health, relationships, and quality and amount of rest.

In its fullest, if used properly and regularly with guidance, Ascension can help us remember our birthright.  It helps stabilize higher states of consciousness, to Unity consciousness and beyond.

The knowledge and experience of Enlightenment has traditionally only been passed on through personal instruction. 

Two qualified teachers of Ishayas’ Ascension teach the techniques in person. The teaching is passed from one enlivened heart to another, from teacher to student. This ensures the purity of the teaching. Any other way dilutes and weakens the power of the practice for the individual who is learning. Teaching Ascension techniques online is not in alignment with the lineage of the Ishayas, which is the source of this ancient teaching.

Maharishi Sadasiva Isham, brought the Teaching out in the early 1990’s.  He said very simply that the techniques cannot be taught through books.

The Ascension book gives a short invitation to have a direct experience of the Source of Being.  This practice must be given through qualified guidance.  Rooted in Reality,  this does not change, even with the advance of technology or new media platforms.

Completely natural for the mind and the body, Ascension requires no effort to do it. It gives the mind a point of focus, but it involves no concentration or forcing the mind. The body settles into a very deep level of rest.  Simultaneously, the body  heals at the subtlest level and this process purifies the nervous system. No breathing exercises are needed, nor specific body positions required. It is so simple, anyone can do it, anywhere and at any time.

See this article for more information on how the Art of Ascension is different than other meditations.

The Ishayas’ Ascension provides a series of natural and effortless techniques to expand the mind and heart permanently.  We call this procedure Ascension.  Ascension is not a belief system, nor a new set of rules to govern your life by.  Simply, these mechanical techniques cause the mind to Ascend (which means to rise beyond) the limiting beliefs and behavior patterns that block us from realizing our full potential.

The Ishayas are an ancient group of Enlightened Monks.  Since the inception of time, as custodians of the human race, they have been gently guiding the evolution of humanity, preparing us for this time, the dawn of the third millennia.

“Ishaya” is a Sanskrit word which means, “for Isha”.  “Isha” stands for a higher state of consciousness.  Some call it Christ consciousness, or  self-realization, some call it Enlightenment.  What we call it is not important.  In truth, it is the experience that counts and that is the focus of the Ishayas’ Teaching.


Goal of human life

All those  who practice of the Art of Ascension are helping the Ishayas to their goal.  For the goal for humanity will only come through the healing of the self.

Each one of us was born to fully realize and live the oneness between the Creator and ourselves.  When we fully realize that oneness, it’s as if the small limited part of ourselves dies in order that our True Self can be reborn. 

We teach the basics of the Art of Ascension practice in person, in a First Sphere Course over a 2.5 day course.  We teach in person with 2 teachers. You will learn the first four Ascension Attitudes, called a First Sphere. 

Teachers schedule the First Spheres at various times.  Options to find one:

  • You can find a First Sphere Course at a location near you. Courses are often taught in private homes.
  • If you cannot find something that works for you, please contact me.  I am an active teacher of this practice, teaching in many locations throughout the year.  I will help you connect with a teacher or provide options for a course.

Book cover: First Thunder, an Adventure in Discovery by MSI

Book cover: Ascension! An Analysis of the Art of Ascension as taught by the Ishayas by MSI

For further information about Ishayas’ Ascension, I highly recommend 2 books by MSI:

  1. First Thunder! An Adventure in Discovery

    is a novel. While the characters are fiction, their experience of learning the First Sphere give accurate examples of expanding consciousness as well as science behind them. It also tells the history of Ishayas’ Ascension. For more, see this video.

  2. Ascension! An Analysis of the Art of Ascension as taught by the Ishayas

     provides a concise review of the most important topics of a lifetime. MSI takes one from surface questions then reveals deep truths about the mind, body, and spirit in a simple and understandable way. Topics include: Importance of emotions, Higher states of consciousness, Moving from Victim consciousness to become a co-creator, and The science of Ascension.  See this video for more information.

These books are available at the Ishaya Bookstore on Etsy.
For a full list of resources, please visit the page of links.

Our world changes constantly.  The Ishayas can and do provide different programs as needed.  

Repeating the First Sphere course, Advanced Attitudes, Ascender Meetings, and  Ascender retreats are an excellent starting place. 

For longer retreats, consider advanced retreats available with The Ishaya Foundation.

If you are looking for more in your Ascension practice, you can always reach out to a teacher of Ascension or The Ishaya Foundation to discuss your particular situation. 

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