Training Attention to Attention
In this era of distraction through our use of cell phones and social media, whether one is diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, the benefits of learning to “pay attention to attention” are going to become an ever more important skill for everyone.
Benefits of a Retreat
An Ishayas’ Ascension retreat is an opportunity to set down all the responsibilities of life for a period of time (3 days, 7 days, even more, if you desire) to move inward and experience more of the Life you never knew was possible on the inside. During the retreat period, no need to make decisions, no deadlines to attend to or need to interact with technology.
Connecting to the Master Architect of the Universe
In my “religious” life, before Ascension, I learned all about the characteristics of God. But how often did I actually EXPERIENCE God? What I found with Ascension was something that gave me a regular, repeatable method to have direct experiences of the Master Builder. In innocence, by using the techniques, by attending retreats, by furthering the practice, this awareness began to build.
Ishayas’ Ascension vs. a meditation app
Can you imagine trying to do maintenance on your car while it is running?
In this modern, technological age, most people keep their senses activated 24/7. It is like running machinery without ever changing the oil or doing regular maintenance.
Life in Balance
Are you trying to balance your life? We are told we can achieve more sense of wellness by balancing work life and home life. Here are some possible ways that might look. Read more…
Peak Experience
Peak Experience Listen to Podcast on the Peak Experience You may believe you have not had a Peak Experience. But you will see that you no doubt have had a few peak experiences. Bruce Lee had a birth defect that may have precluded him for martial arts; one leg was 1.5 inches longer than the […]
Awe: The Secret to a Happier and Healthier Life
Awe: The Secret to a Happier and Healthier Life Power of Awe Awe is a feeling of wonder, amazement, and reverence. It is often triggered by something vast or powerful that transcends our understanding of the world. Awe can be experienced in many different ways, such as when we look at a starry night […]
What is meditation?
What is meditation? Simply stated, meditation is a way to relax the mind. If it’s that simple, why meditate? The most common reasons why people learn to meditate is for anxiety, depression, relaxation, or spiritual awakening. Research has shown that meditation can have physical benefits such as improving the immune system, reducing cognitive decline, helping […]
Five common mistakes made in Meditation
5 Common Mistakes Made in Meditation I have taught meditation for over 20 years. This article reviews 5 common mistakes made in meditation that when corrected can give more results to your life. The word meditation means different things to different people. That said, I would say most commonly it is a period of time […]
What is Ascension and What is Ishayas’ Ascension?
This article gives an overview of what we mean by “ascension” in general as well as what is Ishayas’ Ascension or Ishayas’ Meditation. The name “ascension” has been used for many things. Some people assume it means leaving the body in order to go to heaven. Just to be clear, for our purposes, it […]