Shining Light blog

Shining Light on Life

Expanding my horizons beyond limited thinking

Expanding my horizons beyond limitation

Have you ever noticed how your experience of life is like an old-fashioned movie projector?

In an old movie projector, the light shines through a film that projects a story or scene onto a screen. This is an apt description of Reality. The Infinite Light of Truth shines through your mind (your collection of beliefs about how life works plus the desires you want to experience in life). Then that projects into your world.

During the movie, you may only be aware of what’s on the screen. But, if you turned the lights up in the theatre, you would become aware of other scenes and possibly other stories evolving. But up until the lights came on, you were only aware of one small portion of reality.

Breaking this down in your own body, in each moment your nervous system is aware of about 200 billion bits of data about your experience, but your limited mind can only deal with a small percentage of that. So, part of your brain (the reticular activating system), strips out anything it believes you don’t think is important and self selects from the filter of your belief systems (like the film in the movie) what to show you. As just an example, if you believe you are unlovable, it strips out anything that might show the love in your life and brings forward all the scenarios that exemplify unlovability.


Boxed in by limitations of my mind

The first time I began to fathom what this meant in my life, I sat in shock! I wondered:

  • How many things am I missing in my life?
  • How much Good and how much Love is in my life that I don’t even see?
  • What stories do I keep re-creating, keep spinning that do not serve me?
  • What circumstances in my life that I think are controlling me are just a figment of my mind?
  • How many problems am I creating for myself that don’t exist?

With such limits, how will I ever expand my horizon?

Opening the door to new possibilities

 Now, here’s a new way to look at it!

  • What if we could clean the film off?

  • What if the Light could show through a clean lens? What if this lens revealed the Source of Unconditional Love Shining through all matter?

You could say this is the Goal of Life: To cleanse the lens, our nervous system, of its belief in problematic and lack thinking. Said another way, we want to see the Truth– the Abundant Unconditional Love surrounding us.

Ascension is the means to the goal of our human life. Ascension clarifies the mind, dissolving imaginary fears, self-created miseries, and the bubbles of isolation that we have created around ourselves. It allows the Infinite Light to shine through unimpeded.

The remarkable thing about Ascension is anyone who has completed a First Sphere Course to learn the first four Ascension Attitudes course can do it, anywhere, anytime. It does not require an advanced degree, special equipment, membership to a gym, religion, or any other membership.

A regular practice provides amazing results.  The more you further your practice, the more result